The ditch’s prism sectors were in the shape of trapazoidal prisms. It was assumed that all of the sectors are the same width across and depth throughout, but the lengths vary for each sector. The minimum and maximum estimations of the length and volume of each sector can be found in the charts below.
The area of the cross section was found using the following information. It was assumed that the top, bottom, and depth of each sector were the same:
T(top) B (bottom) H(depth)
Cross Section(area) = H*(B +T)/2 *All estimates in ft, ft^2, ft^3
The volume of each sector was found by multiplying the area of the cross section and the length of each sector, which are found in the charts below. (Area of Cross Section * Length)
Sector Number | Sector Length | Sector Volume |
1 | 19-21 | 551.76-651 |
3 | 10-13 | 290.4-403 |
4 | 14-16 | 406.56-496 |
6 | 12-14 | 348.48-434 |
7 | 4-6 | 116.16-186 |
9 | 19-21 | 551.76-651 |
10B | 6-8 | 174.24-248 |
11 | 5-6 | 145.2-155 |
13 | 9-10 | 261.36-279 |
15 | 38-39 | 1103.52-1209 |
17 | 38-39 | 1103.52-1209 |
19 | 6-7 | 174.24-217 |
21 | 8-9 | 232.32-248 |
23 | 31-35 | 900.24-1085 |
25 | 35-43 | 1016.4-1333 |
27 | 5-6 | 145.2-186 |
30 | 17-18 | 493.68-527 |
31 | 18-20 | 522.72-620 |
Total Volume | 8537.76-10137 ft^3 |