Elizabethan Map of America

Hidden Images Revealed on Elizabethan Map of America

After decades of unsuccessful searching, archaeologists may have their best evidence ever of the possible fate of Sir Walter Raleigh’s “Lost Colony.” It comes in the form of a clue from Sir Walter himself, secreted within the 425 year old “Virginea Pars” map drawn by his expedition to site the first English colony in the New World.

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Nicholas Luccketti and Luke Pecoraro uncover a copper necklace at Fort Raleigh.

“Roanoke Colonies Archaeology and History Week” Awarded Meekins Grant

The First Colony Foundation, the National Park Service, and The Friends of Outer Banks History Center announced that “Roanoke Colonies Archaeology and History Week” October 10-16, 2011, presented through support of a generous $30,000 grant from the Percy W. and Elizabeth G. Meekins Charitable Trust, will include a weeklong series of events with exhibits, theatre, symposium, and archaeological research.

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